Embracing VyOS Stream: Advancing Open Source Network Stability and Innovation

Posted on Jul 18, 2024

At AS401155, our mission is to explore advanced networking technologies and build a sophisticated, resilient infrastructure. Today, we’re excited to discuss the latest evolution in the VyOS project: VyOS Stream. This innovative approach marks a significant milestone for both the VyOS community and our own network exploration endeavors.

Why VyOS Stream Matters

VyOS Stream represents a strategic shift in how VyOS manages its release branches. Historically, VyOS maintained two types of branches — rolling (current) and LTS (Long-Term Support). That said, only roling releases (current) were provided for free as OSS. While this approach allowed for LTS releases, it introduced challenges, particularly for OSS users. This often resulted in unstable deployments requiring extensive stabilization efforts.

VyOS Stream addresses these issues by providing a more stable and predictable development path. It acts as the LTS release in the making, ensuring that only well-tested and reliable features are included. This change significantly enhances the stability of future LTS releases and reduces the lengthy stabilization phases that have previously slowed down the release cadence.

The Benefits for AS401155

For AS401155, adopting VyOS Stream brings several key advantages:

  • Enhanced Stability: By starting from a stable state and only incorporating proven features, VyOS Stream will offer a more reliable network infrastructure. This aligns perfectly with our goal of building a high-performance, dependable network environment.
  • Predictable Updates: The extensive deprecation procedure for any feature set for removal means we can plan our network upgrades with greater confidence and less risk of unexpected changes.
  • Streamlined Development: With the focus on stability, we can devote more time to exploring and implementing advanced networking configurations without worrying about the impact of experimental changes.

Looking Ahead

We are excited about the future of VyOS Stream and its potential to drive further advancements in network technology. As we prepare to utilize its capabilities, we look forward to sharing our experiences and insights with the community. VyOS Stream not only enhances our current projects but also sets the stage for future innovations at AS401155.

For more information or to collaborate with us on network technology projects, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Stay tuned for more updates as we delve deeper into the world of VyOS and beyond!